School Councils

One of the most important ways you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of BTPS students is by participating in school councils. By connecting students, schools and your community, school councils help nurture and inspire students to achieve their full potential.

Parents and community members are important partners in public education. Through school councils, our partners can make significant and meaningful contributions to the learning opportunities provided to BTPS students. 

Through the Education Act, Alberta Education defines school councils as a collective association of parents, secondary students, the principal, teachers, and community representative(s) whose purpose is to advise the principal and the Board of Trustees respecting matters related to the school. 

Every BTPS school community is required to establish a school council. Working in collaboration with the principal and school community, school councils can help foster a supportive learning environment and create valuable opportunities for students to meet the standards of education set by the minister. ​

BTPS believes that when parents are engaged and involved, everyone - students, parents, families, teachers, schools, and communities - benefits, and our schools become increasingly rich and positive places to teach, learn, and grow. The parent-division partnership is essential in a student’s development and fostering a relationship of reciprocal trust.

The Council of School Councils is comprised of school council chairs (or a designate), members of the Board of Trustees, and other BTPS leaders. 

Its purpose is for individual school councils to come together and connect with other BTPS school councils in order to: 

  • Work together
  • Share information
  • Discuss educational issues and trends
  • Receive professional development on topics of common interest 
  • Share resources and information 
  • Develop meaningful connections
  • Plan for the future

Becoming a member of your school council is a great way to get involved in your school community. Learn more about school councils by accessing the links below:

  1. 506BP School Councils
  2. 506.1AP School Councils
  3. 506.1AP Exhibit 1 School Council Annual Report 
  4. Education Act: Refer to Section 55 for information pertaining specifically to school councils.
  5. School Councils RegulationOutlines specific legal requirements of school councils.
  6. Personal Information Protection Act: The provincial privacy legislation that governs school councils and fundraising societies.
  7. Alberta School Councils Association (ASCA): A provincewide organization for school councils with a mission to engage and support parental involvement in public education through school councils, and direct parental views and voice into the education system.
  8. School Council Resource Guide (ASCA): Information on the operation of school councils and on key topics of importance to school councils and other education stakeholders. It is a comprehensive tool that will facilitate school council effectiveness which, in turn, will support school improvement.
  9. School Councils - Alberta Education
  10. Personal Information Protection Act Workbook: A workbook for non-profit organizations.
  11. FOIP FAQ: Frequently asked questions for school jurisdictions.